Off-Site Safety Management Training for Educational Visits

The Off-Site Safety Management (OSSM) Course is accredited by the Royal Geographical Society and aligned with BS8848 (the British Standard for organising and managing visits, fieldwork, expeditions, and adventurous activities outside the UK). It provides an opportunity for in-depth discussion of the safety management issues involved in planning, budgeting and implementing off-site educational visits.

The course consists of presentations, group work and indoor and outdoor scenarios. It is divided into four sections, representing the vital stages in the safety management of any educational visit, from local trips to project work and international expeditions:

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  1. Proposing your trip – what EVCs look for: Advice and discussion with regards research, budgeting, staffing/expertise, locations and the pros and cons of using a tour operator or organising trips independently.
  2. Planning your trip – what parents, students, staff need, and inspectors look for: Assessing the needs of the group, sourcing and training staff, records of training and pre-departure briefs, undertaking risk management, contingency and crisis planning, all in line with BS8848.
  3. On the ground implementation – making it safe and enjoyable and managing a crisis: Sharing good practice for managing small and large groups safely through each stage of a visit, and extensive discussion and guidance on dealing with minor, major and critical incidents and implementing contingency plans in a variety of environments as the visit leader and emergency/home-based contact. Improve your confidence to respond to an incident, through scenario-based training focusing on the first few critical hours in incident management.
  4. Evaluating your trip – it’s over but what next? Sharing good practice about existing post-visit reports and carrying out recommendations to improve future planning and practice with regards to staff, student, parents, third party/tour operators and school policy/procedure.

The course will be assessed by continuous observation of your understanding and judgment when responding to incident scenarios.  

On completion of this course, you will receive a Certificate of Attendance.

This course does not negate the need to complete Educational Visits Coordinator training or revalidation.

“I feel much more confident with the risk assessment and planning process, especially with more complex trips. Role play scenarios helped to highlight the importance of having sufficient, experienced staff who know their roles and what's expected of them, especially if there was a major incident.”
OSSM participant, January 2024



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